The activity of the charity Fund is regulated by the Charter. According to the approved project the organization develops social projects, following the plan.
There is a number of pressing issues like targeted help for those in need. Apart from single time projects there are systemic long-term projects in need of development. Regular donations serve as a great help to achieve it.
There is another category of donations — support of the statutory activity of the Fund. It includes the expenses connected with the administrative aspect:
These funds are needed for the purpose of development and elementary needs of the organization. It is impossible to plan the activities and implement large-scale and long-term projects without financial support.
Your donations to support the statutory activity of the charity fund help us to not only collect the financial resources for certain purposes but also carry out the work with social programs every day.
This work is emotionally hard and isn’t for everyone. Often there are irregular working hours and you have to press forward on enthusiasm alone. Our charity fund is a non-commercial organization that is only able to develop using donated financial resources. This is why we are very grateful to our benefactors for any kind of support and attention in this demanding challenge.
The loyalty of society to the problems of bereaved people is crucial. Many organizations and private individuals show their public stance by helping to the best of their abilities.
Private donations and help of major companies on a regular basis is a good practice that needs to be developed. Only complex approach can solve systemic social problems.
Our goal is to attract the attention of the public and to unite like-minded people. Not everyone possess the ability to hear and share the pain of others. We invite everyone who shares our cause and principles of work to support the Fund. We can do more by uniting our efforts!
Every contribution is valuable for us. We are grateful for both the attention of private individuals and the help of companies, organizations, and business structures.
If you share our philosophy of charity, joint he common cause — your participation is much needed.
Do good deeds, look at bigger picture!
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Банк | ОАО "СБЕРБАНК РОССИИ" г. Москва |
БИК | 044525225 |
Счёт банка | 30101810400000000225 |
Получатель | Благотворительный фонд "Подари шанс" |
Расчетный счет | 40703810838000012075 |
ИНН | 7728447735 |
КПП | 772801001 |
Назначение платежа | Благотворительное пожертвование |
Банк | АО «АЛЬФА-БАНК» г. Москва |
БИК | 044525593 |
Кор счет | 30101810200000000593 |
Получатель | Благотворительный фонд "Подари шанс" |
Расчетный счет | 40703810402620000147 |
ИНН | 7728447735 |
КПП | 772801001 |
Назначение платежа | Благотворительное пожертвование |
БИК | 044525411 |
Кор счет | 30101810145250000411 |
Получатель | Благотворительный фонд "Подари шанс" |
Расчетный счет | 40701810713089000001 |
ИНН | 7728447735 |
КПП | 772801001 |
Назначение платежа | Благотворительное пожертвование |
Инструкция для перевода пожертвования в отделениях почтовой связи АО «Почта России».
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